
Prompt 2: Conferencing

A Look Back at Week One

You all made week one of our Reflective Writing Club a smashing success! I have been touched by the deep reflections you shared this past week in response to Prompt 1: What do you know now that you wish you’d known then? Did you see Sheri Edward’s great slide deck of her her takeaways from our first week? I hope you’re feeling more confident about blogging and more connected to our community (like I am!).

On to Week 2!

Here is your prompt for Week 2: February 2-8.

This week, I attended the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative conference in New Orleans, along with about 800 other educators. While I was there, I tried to visualize all of the knowledge being exchanged through the presenter-attendee and attendee-attendee interactions. I wondered where all of this knowledge goes once the event is over.

Conferences are a valuable part of professional learning. At conferences we make and sustain valuable professional relationships, gain insights about how different institutions are tackling familiar problems, and learn about emerging research and practices in our field.  However, attending conferences is expensive, making it a privilege to which many faculty and staff at underfunded institutions do not have regular access. Given this, sharing what we learn from a conference experience is even more important.

In your Week 2 blog post,

  • Discuss the role that attending conferences plays in your professional learning
  • Reflect on one valuable conference experience you had and discuss why you found it valuable.
  • Let us know what happens once your conference experience is over. Do you share what you’ve learned and, if so, how and with whom?

Before next Friday, February 9th, complete all 4 steps on the Weekly Assignment list.

Posted in Prompt.


  1. Pingback: Thoughts on Sharing and Conferencing - MICHELLE PACANSKY-BROCK

  2. Pingback: #CCCWrite on the Value of Conferences – DigiCommons

  3. Pingback: My take on conferences – The Hyperlinked Infoeduc8r

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